Being really fucking ill is totally OK if you’re the manager.

June 4, 2009


Go back to fucking Scotland you fat wanker! I hate this guy, this guy is my boss and we all despise him for how he treats us. Think of your stereotypical hard-hat lying, sniggering gloating bald factory supervisor. Yep, this is him.

Friday I lost my voice, to make it worse, I had no voice, a fucking cough so bad It made my ears sore…I had a headache, earache, blood in my spit, I was weak, exhausted and completely fucked. I was told if i was absent, I was sacked…I did almost a full week until I got a day off and now im feeling great.

The first day my boss feels ill, he takes the day off, on our busiest day of the year he fucking bails, he does this three times in a row…Lazy, bastard. I hope he goes and fucks himself with a knife. But anyway, I’m feeling better now, I’ll be feeling great tomorrow alongside a great paycheque i’ve earned from feeling like death, and I’ve a ton of new DVD’s to watch and to arrive, life is grand.

Also, my nan wants me to mow ALL of the lawns, WHY? She NEVER goes into the garden, she hates her garden anyway, always has. I have no need of it, no one I know does, or even used it when the grass was neat and tidy. What is the point in mowing it? So we can see what we’re wasting? I think it would actually be more interesting if it was all wild massive and overgrown, with no idea whats lurking in there, a 10year old football, a bike, a kids paddling pool swarmed with swimming bacteria. This is what I’d call an interesting garden. I’m not touching the thing.

The End

So, Endless Online, we meet again.

March 22, 2009

Sober for a change, lately, the only time I’ve been playing the game, is when I’ve been in my house alone, drunk, or stoned…It’s pretty different playing drunk, the old game seems to come back in a way, and you remember how the game used to be.

Which is why I have decided, to start playing the game, for the next month, BUT, never sober. I will be blogging about the game, whilst on different types of drugs. Sleep medication, cocaine, weed, salvia, shrooms, E’s, anything I can get my hands on, which wont be difficult, trust me. I have names and numbers on speed dial (that’s not even a joke), so far, I tried this stoned, on Lord of the Rings online, I was stupidly stoned, and I levelled like crazy 🙂 being really stoned on EO? Who knows…yet…

So, basically, I am going to take different types of drugs, to see which drugs improve my gaming experience, and write down what I find. Are shrooms the only thing left to make this game awesome? No, moderation and updates are, but hell, it will be fun to do and will give me a reason to get fucked up for a change! RESEARCH!

Thankin’ ya kindly! 🙂

This annoys me…

March 18, 2009

Why do they sell hotdogs in like, packs of eight, and hot dog buns in like, packs of 6?…I’d have to buy like, a 4 pack of buns just to make sure all of the Hotdogs are given a proper send-off before they’re devoured if you get what I mean, basically, I always have either hotdogs with no buns, or vica-verca, and it pisses me off! 😦

God damnit, why don’t they just make Hotdog/bun COMBOS?!?

Now we’re talking, but maybe they do already…hmm…


Moleskine note books

March 12, 2009

Does anyone have one of these things? They intrigue me because apparently they help with creativity, and have been used by many famous and influential people in the past :


I’m planning on buying an authentic one from ebay, just out of curiosit’s sake, i might buy 2 rather, one with lined paper, one blank, so one for my writings and one for my art work. I’m planning on writing alot more now, stories rather than songs (i do alot of writing for my band) But it seems the lack of sleep lately, has been affecing my mind quite a bit, I seem to be able to think up strange little phrases and spooky little haiku’s alot more now, without trying and 9/10’s i’m pleased with them. I’ve also been smoking weed every couple of days now to make me more tired so I have a little headstart on sleep, so when I’m a little high, I justt sit at my desk or chair, and start writing whatever comes to mind. Ideas for stories, plots and characters, names etc.

So yeah, I’m going to buy a moleskine me thinks, if you have one, or know about them from first hand experience, let me know!

Recording :)

March 10, 2009

In the first week of April, my band (Who I wont name atm) Will be recording in a professional studio over a 7 day period to get about 5/6 tracks down onto a CD (No CD title’s yet, we have album art, and we’re arranging a photoshoot for a couple of days before the first day of recording) So things should turn out pretty cool.

April will be a pretty big time for me and my band, we have a bunch of pretty huge gigs in the Manchester area (manchester UK btw) So all of this is pretty exciting for me, as things are taking off pretty well, things are looking good.

I’ll let you all know more when the time comes, We’ll also have a shitload a CD’s printed off for free (80 CD’s I believe) So hell, maybe If I like you enough (if you’re from the EO forums, which I’m presuming you are as you found my blog which I’ve no doubt shamelessly plugged at some point) then I might even mail you a CD if you wih Just so you can have a listen 🙂 We also have a producer working with us who’s done alot of pretty big names, so I’m super excited for this 😀

On a shittier note, no I have no slept properly yet 😦 I can’t, so on Thursday, I’m going to see my doctor to find out IF, I have Insomnia for the second time now…If so, fuck, it’s going to be a lonnnngggg 6+ months, the last time I had it was during a period where I had no job or school, so It didn’t bother me much, I’d sit at my computer all day, play games and masturbate, But i work now (supervisor at a shitty factory) So i cant let lack of sleep interfere with my work 😦 I’ve already been issued a final warning, so one more late or abscence and boom! I’m fired 🙂 So I need to avoid this! I hope my doctor gives me some super powerful sleeping medication 🙂

The End

The fuck!?

March 4, 2009

For 2 days now, I haven’t slept. Now, this is a problem for me because I can’t afford to miss another day of work due to m being too tired (one more day off sick for the next year, and i get sacked, i’m on a final warning, so no more abscence off late-ness for me)

So anyway, yeah, 2 nights, ZERO sleep, everything just seems fake and not even there, or not real, or like everything i do just has no emotional impact on me, as if i’m just watching someone else do it. I could, and don’t ever remember staying asleep until my alarm woke me up, i’ve always sucked at sleeping really. My sleeping sucks basically, I can’t sleep at all, and when I finally do, I never stay asleep for long (the typical nights sleep for me, has been like, 6/7 hours a night, very very rarely do i get an 8hour sleep, maybe once a month)

A colleague suggested I take sleeping pills. But, I’m declining the idea, mainly because, when I lived back in the canary islands, I tried these, and became addicted to sleeping pills…and for over a year, I couldn’t sleep without them and them when I finally got myself together and stopped taking them, I couldn’t sleep for properly for months and developed an acute stage of insomnia, so back I went onto sleeping pills, then got off of them again, and started excercising alot more to wear myself out, at one stage, I won’t brag, but I had to do so much excercise to wear myself out, I practically had the body of a God (not anymore :D) And then someone, I managed to stop taking the pills again. And I don’t want to touch the stuff again. Nytol. Fuck-off.

I resorted to watching movies in the early hours, movies with sleep-themes in them, for example, Fightclub, the science of sleep, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, vanilla sky etc, but instead of them refreshing the idea of the fact that im tired and making me want to sleep, nothing happened at all. 4am this morning I found myself watching Van-helsing with a massive erection over Kate Beckinsale’s transylvanian accent. Phwoar! So yeah, movies hasn’t worked.

I drink alot of coffee, a hell of alot. 8 sugars, in a half litre cup, i do this 5 times a day. I can go through litres of fizzy drinks in a week, but I doubt these are the reason for my sleeping troubles, i’ve done this for years, only recently i’ve found it had to sleep, I started having real problems with my sleep, about, 4months ago, but it’s gotten worse.

WHY THE FUCK CAN’T I SLEEP? God, if you exist. Just let me sleep for 8 hours, I’m restless now, I can’t concentrate, I can’t stop moving, or eating, or thinking, I can’t relax and I feel like shit. I need to sleep.

It’s a bitch. But strangely, I’m curious into how long I can stay awake for, so I’m caught between just leaving the idea for another day, or just rolling with it whilst I cant sleep. I don’t know, we’ll see.


Nan you’re 86 not a Detective!

January 7, 2009

So about 45mins ago, my Nan shouts me (I live with my nan, a nan is another word of Grandmother, just incase any americans or anyone else haven’t heard the term and thing I misspelled ‘Man’) ANYWAY…

About 45mins ago, Im sat here, playing LOTRO, when my Nan shouts me and I go downstairs, she tells me to look outside, theres a police car, outside my uncles house (next door neighbour) my uncle,whilst he was in my house, Had SOMEONE go into his house, and take his car keys, and take his pretty nice new Renault megnne…

SO anyway cut a few mins later police are in my house asking everyone questions, who saw what, who was where do we know anyone who may of or bla bla bla, things were going well until an 86 year old woman starts playing detective…



You’re not the police, you’re old, you’re embarrassing and just holding things up with your crime theories, police know what to do. Watching 48668838 episodes of Inspector morse, Inspector frost and CSI miami does not entitle you to play officer.

Word of advicde to anyone who has a nan like this, if she tries any of this shit, use this :

I chose standard wood, it will look better when it breaks.


I love Argos!

June 6, 2008

And if you’re American and don’t have Argos, then har har har! 🙂

A couple of days ago, I picked up a 12mp Kodak Digital Camera, with HD photos and video recording, flash, all sorts of cool shit on it, a tripod and 1gb memory card, for UNDER £145! Awesome! The camera alone was only 120, for 12mp! That’s £10 per mega pixel! 😀

Image quality is great, and the camera couldn’t be any simpler to use, it’s great, it’s light, brilliant camera, it’s a Kodak V1233, in black, google it or something, I’ve done a few test shots of it, some which are on my deviant art page (if you look to your right, you’ll see my links section, click the deviant art link to take a look)

But if you’re too lazy for that! Then here’s an image I took today,

The camera has functions to tell you when to shoot, if it’s gonna be blurred, auto focus, and tons of different photo settings, I’d say abouttt, 24 different settings just for image quality, then a ton of things for manipulating the settings of each, it’s a really great camera, really cheap and I’d reccomend it to anyone 🙂

Lineart of new tattoo = done :)

May 29, 2008

Didn’t take too long, about, 2.5hours? I don’t really know, partially because I couldn’t stop staring down the top of the very attractive female tattoo artist who was touching me. Did I mention she also SHAVED me? Yeah, yeah bois, yeah that’s what I thought. No it is not gay.

So yeah, here’s a pic of the lineart :

And the finished piece will look like the below

So yeah, it will probabally take me about 2 months before its all complete, mainly because of them being busy and me being busy with work, but I shall keep you all posted 🙂

Stretched my ear to 10mm today aswell, no idea when I’ll get the urge to stop…14mm maybe? I have no idea! Might start on my other ear soonish aswell, we shall see!

What do you mean I use the phrase ‘so yeah’ too much? Wanna punch? Yeah? So? So yeah?!?

It only takes me 15pints before I want to steal a horse…

May 23, 2008

Well, I’d say 14, but that’s because I smashed a full pint glass on the back of my head as I let it rest on the pool table. Silly ol’ me, drunk, sat on the table, lay back, and smash, right on the back of my head. No cuts, no bruises, no problem!

I don’t even know WHICH field I was in trying to steal this horse, the only field from me is like 30min walk and I really don’t remember walking there, but I must of. I’ve also no idea what we’d of done if we’d of got the horse out of the gate. It had no reins, we couldn’t of ridden it. But hell, I have sunday off work, tomorrow is saturday, meaning saturday night, meaning, horse stealing take two! I’ll keep you posted on how that goes. They’re are strong things! 5 lads all pushing on a horse, and it didn’t budge!

In other news, a few days ago I found out that I’d be getting a higher position in the factory where I work, meaning, more cash! Roughly, I’m on around £220 right now per week, now I’ll be on roughly £270, it’s only an extra £50, but it’s great for me, I just hope they don’t hear about me trying to steal that horse…

I really should update this blog more often, so I will! I’ll be getting a new tattoo on Thursday, or the outline of it rather, the outline alone will take SIX hours! 6hours of non stop tattooing, I’ve got the date booked, Thursday, 2pm, should be fun. The place is called ‘Bodyworx’ and they’re easily the best tattoo artists in wigan, out of all the places I’ve been to, this place is incredible.

So yeah, I’m gonna go grab a coffee and then find something to do until about 9pm, I’m up for work at 5:45am tomorrow, work at 7, so I gotta get to bed soonish!